Alternative : | Angels (KINUTANI Yuu) ; Angels at the Planetarium ; Biting Summer Play ; Carogna ; Clash! Revenge of Hunk Kung Fu vs. Ugly Kung Fu! Find a Groom! ; Dragon's Heaven (KOBAYASHI Makoto) ; Dream of the Empty Cage ; Ivory ; Eventyr ; Groundpass Drive ; Hemohemo ; Moonlight ; Oputon ; Pez ; Hot Strawberry ; Picnic (HANAHARU Naruko) ; Super Color Comic: Robots 1: Works in Progress ; There Goes Suzume Robo!! ; Wasteland |
Author(s) : | Okama - Kinutani Yuu - Miura Yasuto - Naruko Hanaharu - Sanbe Kei - Nekoi Mie - Sabe - Abe Yoshitoshi - Itoh Mami - Yasuda Suzuhito - Murata Range - Asada Hiroyu |
Status : | Ongoing |
Genres : | Action - Adventure - Fantasy - Horror - Mature - Mystery - One shot - Psychological - Romance |
Updated :Mar 09,2019 - 00:00 AM
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